Hotel Progress Update
I've also got several other story ideas swimming around in my head. Including a background story for a future character. I have the outline done on that one, but haven't actually put fingers to keyboard and started writing it.
I have an account over at, and I'll be publishing Midnight Hotel over there for the time being. Yes, it's self publishing, and I have to do the marketing myself, but there's less headaches than dealing with a big name publisher who likes the story, but "maybe you can change everything in it to suit what I like." So, I'm going to give this a try, then maybe try a big name publisher later, if ever. I'll have to see how it goes. So far, the people who've read Midnight Hotel has liked it. Most liked it as is, and didn't want me to do much editing on it. However, I can see at least some of the errors that needed to be fixed, and some crit partners have pointed out a few things that needed to be revised in order for it to make sense.
I'll try to keep this blog more up-to-date. I keep falling down on the job when it comes to blogging. I do try though. 8-)
Well, I think that's about it for this posting. Wish me luck with the editing and blogging.