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Midnight Hotel Blog

This Blog is for the book series Midnight Hotel.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Started on book three

I got the first chapter of book three edited on the hard copy today. This book is pretty much a rough draft. So, it might take me a bit longer to get it edited. We'll see how it goes.

It's storming bad here, so I need to get off of the computer. I'll try to update this tomorrow on my progress.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Finally finished editing the hard copy of book two!

I finished the last four chapters of book two today, and pulled out book three to start on next. I'll be doing that one on hard copy as well. It's still a fairly rough draft, so this will be one of the first edits it's had. There's only thirty chapters, at the moment, in book three. I'm thinking about adding a new first chapter to it to bring in some action and give the readers a taste of what's to come.

After I finish the last changes for book one in the computer, I'll input the changes for book two, and start reading book one to be sure I didn't miss anything.

Getting there with the second book

I edited four more chapters in the second book today. That leaves four to do. I'm hoping to get them done tomorrow.

I didn't get the last four chapters of book one corrected though. I'm hoping to get that done soon. Maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Managed to get more done

I edited five chapters in book two, and input two chapters of changes for book one. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess.

We've been having some rough weather here tonight, so I may not get any more done tonight. If the storm gets worse, I'll be shutting down the computer and unplugging it.

I still haven't found the right graphics for the cover art, and I haven't been able to figure out how to use Poser.

With luck, I'll finish the changes for book one tomorrow, if I can't tonight. I still have four chapters to do in that one.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Editing like crazy today!

Wow, I've done quite a bit today. I edited three chapters in book two, and input six chapters of changes into the computer for book one. And I might be able to get a bit more done. It's hard to tell yet. If I do, I'll be updating today's entry of the blog, so I can brag and crow at my productive day.

Check out the 'word' meter and see how well I've been doing lately. Oh, and I wrote a bit on a new story last night. I'm not really concentrating on the new stories at the moment. I need to get the edits done of the books I have written now. Once they are well on their way to being published, I'll go back to writing more seriously on the new stories I have for the series.

I guess that's it for now. I'll be posting more as I can.

Update on the edits for Book Two

I got eight chapters edited on paper today. This is the first edits this book has had, so it's still rough, but it's getting better. With such a good start on it, it shouldn't take as long to get it polished enough to publish.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Busy edting

I've finished editing the first book on my hard copy, so when I can't get on the computer to update the file, I'm editing the second book. I have eight and a half chapters done on the hard copy of the second book.

I'm hoping it won't take as long to get ready as the first one has. I'm hoping to finish updating the file for the first book soon. Then I need to read over it to be sure I didn't miss anything. While doing that, I'll finish the floorplans and hopefully get the cover finished.

With luck, I'll have the first one published in the next month or so.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Twenty chapters edited on the computer

I just finished getting the first twenty chapters edited on the computer, and I have twenty four and a half done on paper. A little over sixty percent done with the edits on the first book.

I need to finish the third floor floorplan of the hotel and get the cover art selected and ready. After that's done, I need to work up the copyright page, finish the dedication page and create the PDF file to upload to lulu.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fifteen chapters edited and counting

I now have fifteen (15) chapters edited on the computer, twenty (20) on my hard copy waiting to be put into the computer. I'm 45.5 % done on the computer, 60.6 % done on my hard copy. With luck, I'll have the full edit done within the next few days.

After I finish the edit, I'll finish the floor plan, then get to work on my cover art and blurb. After that, I'll announce a release date for when the book will be availible for purchase.